Winter term 2024
Explore V (EXPeriential Learning Opportunity through Research and Exchange) is an academic course for international student research collaboration. It is an innovative teaching initiative offered by the Goethe University (Germany), York University & University of Alberta (Canada), Texan A&M University (USA), and University of Tokyo (Japan). Canadian students from York University must apply for participation - please check below! See also below for details on the registration for Goethe-University students!
Research topics:
Over-massive black holes at high-redshift (Rahul Kanan)
The Local Group of galaxies with warm dark matter (Nassim Bozorgnia & Louie Strigari)
Signals from Accreting Dark Stars (Jürgen Schaffner-Bielich)
Quantum Black Holes (Saeed Rastgoo)
Dissipative Dark Matter Halos (Sean Tulin)
Splashback radius of Fuzzy Dark Matter (Elisa Ferreira & Laura Sagunski)
Format: The lecture will be given in English and will take place Online via Zoom]
Lecturer(s): Prof. Laura Sagunski | Prof. Jürgen Schaffner-Bielich | Prof. Saeed Rastgoo | Prof. Nassim Bozorgnia | Prof. Sean Tulin | Dr. Rahul Kannan | Prof. Louis Strigari | Prof. Elisa Ferreira |
Head Tutor(s): -
Course organisation
Format of the lecture
Since EXPLORE is an international collaborative project, all lectures and tutorials will be taking place online via Zoom. Click here to enter the Zoom room.
Note that the first two EXPLORE meetings in Mid October will be recorded and uploaded to this Google Drive folder.
Communication between lecturer(s), tutors and students
- We use a common Discord channel for communication. The invitation link will also be distributed among the participants in the first sessions.
Participation & Tasks (Studienleistung)
- With your peers from Germany, Canada and the USA, you will work in small groups exploring and working on real research topics (see below). These will be accompanied by lectures providing the basic knowledge of the topics and Python tutorials to learn scientific computing. Additionally, there will be weekly team meetings with your group mentor to exchange your ideas and receive feedback.
Examination (Prüfungsleistung)
- You will have successfully passed the EXPLORE course after your presentation of your research project results in a scientific workshop at the end of the semester. The amount of Credit Points a participant will receive from their university will be also announced soon.
Recommended literature & Course material
EXPLORE for students: Folder with course material
GitHub Repository for Python Programming Learning
Recorded Lecture 1 from previous EXPLORE edition: Introduction (Mentors) and Cosmology (Laura Sagunski)
Recorded Lecture 2 from previous EXPLORE edition: Dark Matter (Sean Tulin & Nassim Bozorgnia)
Recorded Lecture 3 from previous EXPLORE edition: Gravitational Waves (Saeed Rastgoo) & Quasars (Patrick Hall)
Recorded Lecture 4 from previous EXPLORE edition: Machine Learning (Jim Mertens) & Neutron Stars and compact objects (Jürgen Schaffner-Bielich)
Recorded Lecture 5 from previous EXPLORE edition: Near-field cosmology with stars (Camilla Hansen)
ID | Day | Time | Room | Language | Person |
First EXPLORE V Meeting | Tuesday, 22 October 2024 |
4.30 - 5.30 pm (Frankfurt) 10.30 - 11.30 am (Toronto) 8.30 - 9.30 am (Edmonton) 9.30 - 10.30 am (Texas) |
Online on Zoom | English | Students & Mentors |
Second EXPLORE V Meeting | Thursday, 24 October 2024 |
4.30 - 5.30 pm (Frankfurt) 10.30 - 11.30 am (Toronto) 8.30 - 9.30 am (Edmonton) 9.30 - 10.30 am (Texas) |
Online on Zoom | English | Students & Mentors |