Summer term 2022
Gravitational Waves

Format: The lecture will be given in English and will take place In presence and on Zoom.

Schedule: [Tuesday, 10 am - 12 pm, 02.114] [Thursday, 10 - 11 am, 02.114]

Lecturer(s): Prof. Laura Sagunski

Head Tutor(s): Robin Diedrichs

Important links: Zoom, OLAT, QIS

Course organisation

Format of the lecture

  • The lecture will be held in present, however there is the opportunity to also join online via Zoom. It will also be recorded and uploaded to the NextCloud folder.

Communication between lecturer(s), tutors and students

  • For communication and interaction, we use a common Slack Workspace. You can communicate via direct messages or use the channels #lectures, #tutorials, #oral-exam etc. to pose questions. There is also a bookmark to the common NextCloud folder and a Google Calendar to get reminders for lectures, tutorials and assignment due dates.

Participation & Tasks (Studienleistung)

  • There will be weekly (graded) homework assignments that you should hand in in teams of two. They will be due every thursday at the beginning of the tutorial. You are meant to present your solutions in the tutorials.
    The first assignment will be handed out Thursday, April 14, and will be due until Thursday, April 21.

Examination (Prüfungsleistung)

  • To pass the course, you will need to accomplish at least 60% of the total points in each assignment. Two assignments with less than 60% of the points can be compensated if the total percentage of points from all assignments together is more than 60%. If you want a grade for this course, you need to pass an additional oral exam. They will take place July 25 - 27 from 9 am to 5 pm.

Recommended literature & Course material


ID Day Time Room Language Person
Lecture 1 Tuesday 10 am - 12 pm 02.114 English Laura Sagunski
Lecture 2 Thursday 10 - 12 am 02.114 English Laura Sagunski
Tutorial 1 Thursday 9 am - 10 pm 01.114 English Niklas Becker
Tutorial 2 Thursday 11 am - 12 pm 02.114 English Daniel Schmitt